Forum Machete,Modelism,Hobby: Bulgaria - Forum Machete,Modelism,Hobby

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#1 Useril este offline   Monox 

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Postat 07 September 2011 - 10:29 AM

In Bulgaria is lives the last days of the MiG-21 family .....

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In a village near Plovdiv in a farm yard with 10 pieces MiG-23BN and 4 pieces of L-39 Albatros. One L-39 Albatros served in
the Romanian Air Force the other Bulgarian Air Force.

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#2 Useril este offline   Monox 

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Postat 15 September 2011 - 03:15 PM

The BIAF 2011. Plovdiv, Krumuvo, 2011.09.03. It was nice.....

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