Forum Machete,Modelism,Hobby: APCAT ROMAN DIESEL in 1/87 scale, scratch-built - Forum Machete,Modelism,Hobby

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APCAT ROMAN DIESEL in 1/87 scale, scratch-built

#1 Useril este offline   ralfgermania 

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Postat 05 June 2020 - 09:02 PM

Hello again, :hi:

at first glance it seems very similar to the APCA fire truck :blink: , but the details show the differences... :dribble:

This is the APCAT (Autopompa cisterna de alimentare cu apa cu tun) fire truck that has been in service everywhere in Romania for many years. And I think this fire engine can still be found in different places today: heroes never die! The APCAT is also based on ROMAN 12.215.

Like my other models it is of course in 1/87 scale. It is scratch built and was finished in 2013.

Greetings from Germany,

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And here is a family picture of the ROMAN DIESEL fire truck family.
From the left to the right: AScM 30 - APCA - APCAT
…to be continued… ;-)

Imagine postata

#2 Useril este offline   Z-mare 

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Postat 06 June 2020 - 08:57 AM

Excelent! :hi:

#3 Useril este offline   ralfgermania 

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Postat 07 June 2020 - 09:14 AM

Thank you, Z-mare! :)

#4 Useril este offline   mielu 

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Postat 08 June 2020 - 10:54 AM

Frumoase. :hi:

#5 Useril este offline   ralfgermania 

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Postat 08 June 2020 - 11:41 AM

Thank you, mielu! Multumesc.

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