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Useril este offline Feb 10 2008 04:15 PM

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Topicele mele

  1. MiG-21MF "Lancer"

    12 August 2006 - 04:33 PM

    Hi,guys!Long time no see! :-D

    Here is my second topic here,and this time is a "Lancer"! :-)

    Hope you'll enjoy it!

    As for the in-progress topic,check here:

    MiG-21 "Lancer", In Progress

    Imagine postata

    Imagine postata

    Imagine postata

    Imagine postata

    Imagine postata

    Imagine postata

    Imagine postata

    Imagine postata

    Imagine postata

    Imagine postata
  2. 1/72 Airifx MiG-29 "Sniper"

    24 July 2006 - 03:36 PM

    Hello,everyone.I'm a new bie here from Shanghai,China,and I'd like to post my very first topic here by a Romanian MiG—which took me about two months.

    For In-Progress Information,just click the link as below:
    1/72 MiG-29 "Sniper", Airfix+ICM+Hasegawa

    And the picture of the real plane as below are collected from Internet by myself.

    As far as I know,"Fulcrum" has nick name in Russian Air Force——Ласточка(means "Swallow"?).Is that trure?

    Imagine postata

    Imagine postata

    Imagine postata

    Imagine postata

    Imagine postata

    Imagine postata

    Imagine postata

    Imagine postata

    Imagine postata

    Imagine postata



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  1. Fotografie


    29 Jul 2011 - 16:19
    haneto,sunt babanu33,am exploatat mig29 la m.kog.-CTA TIMP DE 13 ANI ca specialist armament de bord,rachete de aviatie si sisteme de salvare,Mig29 ramine in sufletul meu ca marea mea iubire,vreau sa cumpar o macheta mig29 sniper(kit complet)- de la airfix,cit costa(preferabil a-si dori l o scara mai mare pt.a-mi fi mai usor de asamblat,astept raspuns pe adresa de
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